Attempts At Optimizing VGA Mode 13h BitBlts and Tilemap Rendering

April 15, 2018 —

As my last post indicated (which has been a while now, whoops!), I've been working on optimizing the [bitblt] ( routines in libDGL. I'm definitely no master of optimization and am not expecting to come up with anything revolutionary. In fact I'm sure I will goof things up a fair bit in the process and miss obvious avenues of optimization, heh. Every little bit of speed counts for the hardware I'm targeting with this project (486's and maybe 386's later on). Figured I'd share the results of some of my latest attempts, including the parts that didn't result in improvements.

Recently, I thought it would be a fun idea to do a pretty much 1:1 conversion of some old projects of mine written around the turn of the century. The idea would be to convert them to C and get them up and running with libDGL. The code in these projects was pretty terrible and I've no long-term intentions of extending them. However, I figured it would be interesting mainly just to see how fast I could get them running.

Even back then, I liked using obsolete development tools like QuickBASIC 4.5 which by 2000/2001 was definitely obsolete. At that time I was writing code on a AMD Duron 800MHz PC, so I was never too concerned with performance, even with QuickBASIC. Running this old QuickBASIC code today as-is on my 486 DX2-66, I see that it barely maintains 30-35 FPS. This code was built using DirectQB 1.61 (a great library for the time, used by a lot of games) with some improved tile/sprite bitblt routines by Rel since the original routines in DirectQB were known to be kind of slow.

Of course, just by doing a straight-up conversion to C we will get significant performance gains. QuickBASIC isn't exactly an optimizing compiler, heh. But I wanted to see just how fast we could get the basic tilemap rendering going.

Here's the original QuickBASIC code for drawing the tilemap:

SUB DrawMap
  'Get camera position
  CameraX = Engine.x - 160
  CameraY = Engine.y - 96

  'Make sure we aren't going to go off the map buffer
  IF CameraX < 0 THEN CameraX = 0
  IF CameraY < 0 THEN CameraY = 0
  IF CameraX > Engine.MaxX - 320 THEN CameraX = Engine.MaxX - 320
  IF CameraY > Engine.MaxY - 200 THEN CameraY = Engine.MaxY - 200

  'Get the starting tile to draw at
  xTile = CameraX \ 16
  yTile = CameraY \ 16

  'Get the pixel offset to draw at
  xpos = CameraX MOD 16
  ypos = CameraY MOD 16

  'Now actually draw the map
  FOR x = 0 TO 21
    FOR y = 0 TO 14
      'Get the tile numbers to draw
      tile = map(x + xTile, y + yTile).tile
      tile2 = map(x + xTile, y + yTile).tile2

      xp = x * 16 - xpos
      yp = y * 16 - ypos

      'Draw the first layer
      RelSpriteSolid 1, xp, yp, VARSEG(tilearray(0, tile)), VARPTR(tilearray(0, tile))
      'Draw the second layer only if the tile isn't equal to 0
      '(Tile 0 should be a blank tile, in which case we don't want to draw
      'it because it'll slow the engine down)
      IF tile2 <> 0 THEN
        RelSprite 1, xp, yp, VARSEG(tilearray(0, tile2)), VARPTR(tilearray(0, tile2))
      END IF
    NEXT y
  NEXT x

So after doing a bunch of straightforward converting and getting the basic engine up and running, I ended up with the following C function. This is, for now, intended to be a 1:1 equivalent of the above code:

#define SCREEN_X_TILES  21
#define SCREEN_Y_TILES  14

#define TILE_WIDTH      16
#define TILE_HEIGHT     16

void draw_map(void) {
    int x_tile, y_tile;
    int x_offs, y_offs;
    int x, y, index;
    int xp, yp;
    byte tile1, tile2;
    SURFACE **tileset;

    // get camera position
    engine->camera_x = engine->x - 160;
    engine->camera_y = engine->y - 96;

    // make sure we aren't going to go off the map buffer
    if (engine->camera_x < 0)
        engine->camera_x = 0;
    if (engine->camera_y < 0)
        engine->camera_y = 0;
    if (engine->camera_x > engine->width - 320)
        engine->camera_x = engine->width - 320;
    if (engine->camera_y > engine->height - 200)
        engine->camera_y = engine->height - 200;

    // get the starting tile to draw at
    x_tile = engine->camera_x / TILE_WIDTH;
    y_tile = engine->camera_y / TILE_HEIGHT;

    // get the pixel offset to draw at
    x_offs = engine->camera_x % TILE_WIDTH;
    y_offs = engine->camera_y % TILE_HEIGHT;

    // now actually draw the map
    tileset = map_tiles->tiles;
    for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_Y_TILES; ++y) {
        for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_X_TILES; ++x) {
            index = (((y + y_tile) * map->width) + (x + x_tile)) * 2;
            tile1 = map->tiledata[index];
            tile2 = map->tiledata[index + 1];

            xp = x * TILE_WIDTH - x_offs;
            yp = y * TILE_HEIGHT - y_offs;

            surface_blit(tileset[tile1], backbuffer, xp, yp);
            if (tile2)
                surface_blit_sprite(tileset[tile2], backbuffer, xp, yp);

Definitely room for improvement here.

So how fast is it? Well, I was impressed actually. Mostly. There are two scenarios that are important to benchmark:

Fast scenario
Slow scenario

Just ignore the obviously ripped graphics. Younger-me couldn't draw pixel art, but I sure knew how to rip graphics from SNES ROMs! There was some great DOS-based tool I remember I really liked for doing it, but unfortunately I cannot recall the name of it. Anyway, Today-me still doesn't know how to draw pixel art, so we'll just continue using these ripped graphics for now.

So the difference between these two scenarios is the amount of "layer 2" tiles being drawn. You can see in the above render loop code that a check is done for a non-zero tile2 value and then a call to surface_blit_sprite is done. This of course draws the second layer tile with transparency to overlay tiles on top of the lower layer. As you can see in the right screenshot, there are a ton of tree tiles being drawn and with the map that the engine is using for this test, these are all on layer two (with layer one just being a simple grass tile).

Let's get the blatantly obvious problem out of the way first: There is NO need for the map to be laid out this way. We don't even need to touch code to see significant improvements. We just need to adjust the tileset and map so that we can skip the vast majority of the layer 2 tiles. If we needed a bunch of variations of tree tiles with different ground underneath them, then we might very well be better served with a bunch of different tree tiles in the tileset we use, each with the different ground needed. However, this map was what I put together in 2001 or so. For now we'll just stick with it and see what else we can do.

Also, I should mention that these two screenshots show the frame-rates at double-word aligned memory offsets. We'll come back to this later though as memory alignment is obviously an important topic.

So, the first thing that came to mind when looking at my freshly converted draw_map() function was to eliminate the unnecessary clipping checks for 90% of the tiles being drawn in this render loop. Only tiles on the edge of the screen actually need to be checked for clipping. We can do this very simply for now:

if (x > 0 && 
    y > 0 && 
    x < (SCREEN_X_TILES - 1) && 
    y < (SCREEN_Y_TILES - 2)) {
    surface_blit_f(tileset[tile1], backbuffer, xp, yp);
    if (tile2)
        surface_blit_sprite_f(tileset[tile2], backbuffer, xp, yp);
} else {
    surface_blit(tileset[tile1], backbuffer, xp, yp);
    if (tile2)
        surface_blit_sprite(tileset[tile2], backbuffer, xp, yp);

surface_blit_f and surface_blit_sprite_f are "fast" versions that skip clipping checks, but otherwise work exactly the same (in fact, surface_blit and surface_blit_sprite call the fast versions internally).

This gets us a little bit of an improvement. 147/148 FPS in the fast scenario, and 97/98 FPS in the slow scenario.

It's important to note here that in VGA mode 13h, the screen resolution is 320x200. We're using 16x16 tiles in our tilemap, so we end up needing to draw a minimum of 20 tiles horizontally, and 13 tiles vertically (where the last row at the bottom will only be half visible, since 200/16 = 12.5). In order to do pixel-by-pixel scrolling as in this tilemap rendering engine, we need to add one extra column and row to ensure we don't have any gaps anywhere along the edges at any point as the screen is scrolling. Because of the uneven vertical tile count (12.5) we actually need to do clipping for the bottom two rows.

We could of course add a check for y_offs >= 8 to determine if we actually need to draw that last row at all. Though this obviously won't always improve performance, it would depend on how the screen is currently scrolled.

Anyway, the next thought I had was to improve the way that the map data was being accessed inside the loop. I didn't figure that this would make a big difference, but let's see:

// now actually draw the map
index = (y_tile * map->width) + x_tile;
tiledata = &map->tiledata[index * 2];
tileset = map_tiles->tiles;

xp = -y_offs;
yp = -x_offs;

for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_Y_TILES; ++y) {
    for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_X_TILES; ++x) {
        tile1 = tiledata[0];
        tile2 = tiledata[1];

        if (x > 0 && 
            y > 0 && 
            x < (SCREEN_X_TILES - 1) && 
            y < (SCREEN_Y_TILES - 2)) {
            surface_blit_f(tileset[tile1], backbuffer, xp, yp);
            if (tile2)
                surface_blit_sprite_f(tileset[tile2], backbuffer, xp, yp);
        } else {
            surface_blit(tileset[tile1], backbuffer, xp, yp);
            if (tile2)
                surface_blit_sprite(tileset[tile2], backbuffer, xp, yp);

        tiledata += 2;
        xp += TILE_WIDTH;

    tiledata += (map->width - SCREEN_X_TILES) * 2;
    yp += TILE_HEIGHT;
    xp = -x_offs;

We get a very minor boost from this. 151/152 FPS in the fast scenario, and 98/99 FPS in the slow scenario. But it's something!

Well, now we have that x/y coordinate check that runs every iteration of the loop to see if we need to use clipped blits or not. We know that 90% of the screen does not need clipped blits, so I decided to try spliting up the rendering loop on this basis so that we don't need to run that check all the time. I ended up with 3 separate loops:

  • The top and bottom row (for y = 0, y = 12 and y = 13 only, remember two bottom rows can get clipped)
  • The left and right columns (for x = 0 and x = 20 only)
  • Everything in-between.

In the end this gained me about 1 FPS, but it made the code significantly larger because there were three loops instead of one, and each of these included similar sets of calculations (but different enough that I did need to have three sets of them). Probably could have cleaned the code up a fair bit, but ultimately since this all made a tiny difference, I decided that the extra complexity just wasn't worth keeping. Perhaps I would want to revisit this later on once I see how this runs on a 386 CPU.

Next, I decided to take a closer look at what the actual surface_blit and surface_blit_sprite calls do. I've already spent a bunch of time trying to optimize them and I'm sure there's still some stuff that can be done, but I'll start off with them as they are today and not the much slower versions I had written a few months ago.

static void surface_blit(const SURFACE *src, SURFACE *dest, int x, int y) {
    surface_blit_region(src, dest, 0, 0, src->width, src->height, x, y);

static void surface_blit_sprite(const SURFACE *src, SURFACE *dest, int x, int y) {
    surface_blit_sprite_region(src, dest, 0, 0, src->width, src->height, x, y);

void surface_blit_region(const SURFACE *src,
                         SURFACE *dest,
                         int src_x,
                         int src_y,
                         int src_width,
                         int src_height,
                         int dest_x,
                         int dest_y) {
    RECT src_region = rect(src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height);
    boolean on_screen = clip_blit(&dest->clip_region, &src_region, &dest_x, &dest_y);

    if (!on_screen)

    surface_blit_region_f(src, dest,
                          src_region.x, src_region.y,
                          src_region.width, src_region.height,
                          dest_x, dest_y);

void surface_blit_sprite_region(const SURFACE *src,
                                SURFACE *dest,
                                int src_x,
                                int src_y,
                                int src_width,
                                int src_height,
                                int dest_x,
                                int dest_y) {
    RECT src_region = rect(src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height);
    boolean on_screen = clip_blit(&dest->clip_region, &src_region, &dest_x, &dest_y);

    if (!on_screen)

    surface_blit_sprite_region_f(src, dest,
                                 src_region.x, src_region.y,
                                 src_region.width, src_region.height,
                                 dest_x, dest_y);

Alright, so as we can see, these aren't super interesting and we might as well just look at surface_blit_region_f and surface_blit_sprite_region_f. We could likely optimize clip_blit. In fact, I don't even think I've tried to do this at all ever. The existing implementation is a copy of some code I had written over 10 years ago if I recall correctly, heh. However, let's just ignore it for now since the current tilemap function we have skips clipping for probably 90% of the tiles being drawn.

static int surface_offset(const SURFACE *surface, int x, int y) {
    return (surface->width * y) + x;

static byte* surface_pointer(const SURFACE *surface, int x, int y) {
    return surface->pixels + surface_offset(surface, x, y);

void surface_blit_region_f(const SURFACE *src,
                           SURFACE *dest,
                           int src_x,
                           int src_y,
                           int src_width,
                           int src_height,
                           int dest_x,
                           int dest_y) {
    const byte *psrc;
    byte *pdest;
    int lines;
    int src_y_inc = src->width - src_width;
    int dest_y_inc = dest->width - src_width;
    int width_4, width_remainder;

    psrc = (const byte*)surface_pointer(src, src_x, src_y);
    pdest = (byte*)surface_pointer(dest, dest_x, dest_y);
    lines = src_height;

    width_4 = src_width / 4;
    width_remainder = src_width & 3;

    if (width_4 && !width_remainder) {
        // width is a multiple of 4 (no remainder)
        direct_blit_4(width_4, lines, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

    } else if (width_4 && width_remainder) {
        // width is >= 4 and there is a remainder ( <= 3 )
        direct_blit_4r(width_4, lines, width_remainder, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

    } else {
        // width is <= 3
        direct_blit_r(width_remainder, lines, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

I talked about this in my last post, but to recap, the idea here is that I figured there were three main scenarios for bitblts (post-clipping of course):

  • The width of the blit is an even multiple of 4. In this case, we can simply do a rep movsd' for each row. Very nice and efficient.
  • The width is some value larger than 4, but it is not an even multiple of 4 so we can split each row into a rep movsd followed by a rep movsb.
  • The width is some value < 4. We can just do a rep movsb.

The most common scenario when dealing with "typical" game graphics would be the first scenario. In our case, we are using 16x16 tiles and sprites, so definitely this will be the case for us. The remaining two scenarios would primarily occur for partially clipped blits, so these two would not be what would get run for the vast majority of blits.

It's worth pointing out that I didn't start with a blit function implementation that had these three scenarios. I started with a simple one that just did rep movsb for each row of pixels. Once I saw how that performed I then thought about it and came up with the three scenario idea. I then saw that, indeed, this way performed much better. Having said that, I'm sure it's been implemented better by smarter people then me decades earlier.

The direct_blit_xxxx calls are implemented in assembly and are relatively simple:

void direct_blit_4(int width4,
                   int lines,
                   byte *dest,
                   const byte *src,
                   int dest_y_inc,
                   int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to draw
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // draw all 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        rep movsd

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move to next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_4r(int width4,
                    int lines,
                    int remainder,
                    byte *dest,
                    const byte *src,
                    int dest_y_inc,
                    int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ecx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, src             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // ebx = remaining number of pixels
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to draw
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // draw all 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        rep movsd
        mov ecx, ebx             // draw remaining pixels ( <= 3 bytes )
        rep movsb

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move to next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_r(int width,
                   int lines,
                   byte *dest,
                   const byte *src,
                   int dest_y_inc,
                   int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of pixels to draw (bytes)
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to draw
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // draw pixels (bytes)
        rep movsb

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move to next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


Some compiler/toolchain-related things to note here first before going on:

  • I'm using Watcom C 11.0 for this. Thus, I can make use of the nice _asm block inline assembly support. However, as I demonstrated in my previous post, I had run into what looked like a compiler bug with Watcom's _asm support. After playing with it some more, I noticed I got good results by just moving all my _asm blocks to their own functions. This is kinda-sorta-maybe in some ways like using externally linked assembly functions via something like TASM or MASM. At least, as far as it just being a function call instead of slapped somewhere else inline in some block of C code. Kind of a nice separation, especially for these blit functions and it both fixes the problem I had run into and means I don't have to worry much about setting up a proper calling convention in whatever assembler I would otherwise be using (which would involve some icky #pragma usage). Which leads me into the next point ...
  • Watcom's default calling convention uses registers for the first 4 arguments (well, at least for 32-bit values). eax, edx, ebx, and ecx in that order. For any remaining arguments, the stack is used as per normal C calling convention. Because I'm using a pattern of putting my larger _asm blocks in non-static functions all by themselves, I can "hijack" this calling convention easily enough and skip some additional stack copying that Watcom would generate if I used the argument variable names for those first 4 arguments. This is probably kind of a dirty hack, but it seems to work well, and that's why you'll notice in these assembly functions that I don't seem to ever reference the first 4 arguments. I do, but they are already in registers.

I'm going to go ahead and claim that these are good enough. I mean, they've basically been reduced to a loop of rep movsd's in the best and by far most common case. I don't think it gets much better than that. I'm sure there's some optimization guru reading this that is face-palming after having read that statement and noticed some dumb thing I did in the code, but hey, I did say above that I'm no expert!

I did play with using ebp as well in direct_blit_4 since that function is called the most out of the three. Using ebp as a general purpose register in that function allows me to not use any values from the stack at all once inside the loop, so I figured it would be worthwhile. But it barely made any noticeable difference on my 486. It would probably be worth testing on a 386 though to see the difference, but I'll wait until I have an actual 386 to test with. For now, I decided to leave this optimization out. Using ebp in this way is tricky, as once you change it like this you cannot access anything using your variable names (the compiler, or assembler, replaces them with addresses relative to ebp). You could still access the stack using addresses relative to esp, but I decided not to go down this road at this time.

Alright, well, since the slowdowns really seem to be regarding the surface_blit_sprite calls in our draw_map () function, let's look at it. The core of it (as indicated by code shown previously) is implemented in surface_blit_sprite_region_f:

void surface_blit_sprite_region_f(const SURFACE *src,
                                  SURFACE *dest,
                                  int src_x,
                                  int src_y,
                                  int src_width,
                                  int src_height,
                                  int dest_x,
                                  int dest_y) {
    const byte *psrc;
    byte *pdest;
    byte pixel;
    int src_y_inc, dest_y_inc;
    int width, width_4, width_8, width_remainder;
    int lines_left;
    int x;

    psrc = (const byte*)surface_pointer(src, src_x, src_y);
    src_y_inc = src->width;
    pdest = (byte*)surface_pointer(dest, dest_x, dest_y);
    dest_y_inc = dest->width;
    width = src_width;
    lines_left = src_height;

    src_y_inc -= width;
    dest_y_inc -= width;

    width_4 = width / 4;
    width_remainder = width & 3;

    if (width_4 && !width_remainder) {
        if ((width_4 & 1) == 0) {
            // width is actually an even multiple of 8!
            direct_blit_sprite_8(width_4 / 2, lines_left, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);
        } else {
            // width is a multiple of 4 (no remainder)
            direct_blit_sprite_4(width_4, lines_left, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

    } else if (width_4 && width_remainder) {
        if ((width_4 & 1) == 0) {
            // width is _mostly_ made up of an even multiple of 8,
            // plus a small remainder
            direct_blit_sprite_8r(width_4 / 2, lines_left, pdest, psrc, width_remainder, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);
        } else {
            // width is >= 4 and there is a remainder
            direct_blit_sprite_4r(width_4, lines_left, pdest, psrc, width_remainder, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

    } else {
        // width is <= 3
        direct_blit_sprite_r(width_remainder, lines_left, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

Immediately, we can see it's a bit different from surface_blit_region_f, but at its core it's the same basic three-scenario implementation. It's just been extended to also look for an even multiple of 8 and to call a slightly different assembly function for those cases.

Again, this was something that I initially didn't do for the first implementation of this function. I originally had a simple loop (written entirely in C code) that checked one pixel each iteration and if non-zero would draw it. Nice and simple. I then decided to try unrolling the loop and do 4 pixels per iteration, still only in C code. This gave a significant improvement, so I decided to try adding an extra 8-pixel-per-iteration version and saw an improvement again but not as significant this time. Still, it was enough that I thought it warranted keeping it.

Watcom's optimizer actually did a pretty damn good job with my C code version. I was able to tweak it slightly to help the optimizer out, but eventually decided that it was probably better to write it in assembly anyway. This is because it seemed rather easy to make what seemed like an extremely minor change to the code that would result in the optimizer generating some real inefficient block(s) of code.

Anyway, here are the direct_blit_sprite_xxxx functions:

void direct_blit_sprite_4(int width4,
                          int lines,
                          byte *dest,
                          const byte *src,
                          int dest_y_inc,
                          int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to be drawn
        jz done


        mov ecx, eax             // ecx = counter of 4-pixel runs left to draw
        mov bl, [esi+0]          // load src pixel
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_1             // if it is color 0, skip it
        mov [edi+0], bl          // otherwise, draw it onto dest
        mov bl, [esi+1]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_2
        mov [edi+1], bl
        mov bl, [esi+2]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_3
        mov [edi+2], bl
        mov bl, [esi+3]
        test bl, bl
        jz end_4_run
        mov [edi+3], bl
        add esi, 4               // move src and dest up 4 pixels
        add edi, 4
        dec ecx                  // decrease 4-pixel run loop counter
        jnz draw_px_0            // if there are still more runs, draw them

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move src and dest to start of next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_sprite_4r(int width4,
                           int lines,
                           byte *dest,
                           const byte *src,
                           int remainder,
                           int dest_y_inc,
                           int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to be drawn
        jz done


    start_4_run:                 // draw 4-pixel runs first
        mov ecx, eax             // ecx = counter of 4-pixel runs left to draw
        mov bl, [esi+0]          // load src pixel
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_1             // if it is color 0, skip it
        mov [edi+0], bl          // otherwise, draw it onto dest
        mov bl, [esi+1]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_2
        mov [edi+1], bl
        mov bl, [esi+2]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_3
        mov [edi+2], bl
        mov bl, [esi+3]
        test bl, bl
        jz end_4_run
        mov [edi+3], bl
        add esi, 4               // move src and dest up 4 pixels
        add edi, 4
        dec ecx                  // decrease 4-pixel run loop counter
        jnz draw_px_0            // if there are still more runs, draw them

    start_remainder_run:         // now draw remaining pixels ( <= 3 pixels )
        mov ecx, remainder       // ecx = counter of remaining pixels

        mov bl, [esi]            // load pixel
        inc esi
        test bl, bl              // if zero, skip to next pixel
        jz end_pixel
        mov [edi], bl            // else, draw pixel
        inc edi
        dec ecx
        jnz draw_pixel           // keep drawing pixels while there's still more

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move src and dest to start of next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_sprite_r(int width,
                          int lines,
                          byte *dest,
                          const byte *src,
                          int dest_y_inc,
                          int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to be drawn
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // ecx = counter of remaining pixels

        mov bl, [esi]            // load pixel
        inc esi
        test bl, bl              // if zero, skip to next pixel
        jz end_pixel
        mov [edi], bl            // else, draw pixel
        inc edi
        dec ecx
        jnz draw_pixel           // loop while there's still pixels left

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move src and dest to start of next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_sprite_8(int width8,
                          int lines,
                          byte *dest,
                          const byte *src,
                          int dest_y_inc,
                          int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 8-pixel runs
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to be drawn
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // ecx = counter of 8-pixel runs left to draw
        mov bl, [esi+0]          // load src pixel
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_1             // if it is color 0, skip it
        mov [edi+0], bl          // otherwise, draw it onto dest
        mov bl, [esi+1]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_2
        mov [edi+1], bl
        mov bl, [esi+2]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_3
        mov [edi+2], bl
        mov bl, [esi+3]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_4
        mov [edi+3], bl
        mov bl, [esi+4]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_5
        mov [edi+4], bl
        mov bl, [esi+5]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_6
        mov [edi+5], bl
        mov bl, [esi+6]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_7
        mov [edi+6], bl
        mov bl, [esi+7]
        test bl, bl
        jz end_8_run
        mov [edi+7], bl
        add esi, 8               // move src and dest up 8 pixels
        add edi, 8
        dec ecx                  // decrease 8-pixel run loop counter
        jnz draw_px_0            // if there are still more runs, draw them

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move src and dest to start of next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_sprite_8r(int width8,
                           int lines,
                           byte *dest,
                           const byte *src,
                           int remainder,
                           int dest_y_inc,
                           int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ebx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, ecx             // source pixels

        // eax = number of 8-pixel runs
        // edx = line loop counter

        test edx, edx            // make sure there is >0 lines to be drawn
        jz done


    start_8_run:                 // draw 8-pixel runs first
        mov ecx, eax             // ecx = counter of 8-pixel runs left to draw
        mov bl, [esi+0]          // load src pixel
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_1             // if it is color 0, skip it
        mov [edi+0], bl          // otherwise, draw it onto dest
        mov bl, [esi+1]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_2
        mov [edi+1], bl
        mov bl, [esi+2]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_3
        mov [edi+2], bl
        mov bl, [esi+3]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_4
        mov [edi+3], bl
        mov bl, [esi+4]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_5
        mov [edi+4], bl
        mov bl, [esi+5]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_6
        mov [edi+5], bl
        mov bl, [esi+6]
        test bl, bl
        jz draw_px_7
        mov [edi+6], bl
        mov bl, [esi+7]
        test bl, bl
        jz end_8_run
        mov [edi+7], bl
        add esi, 8               // move src and dest up 8 pixels
        add edi, 8
        dec ecx                  // decrease 8-pixel run loop counter
        jnz draw_px_0            // if there are still more runs, draw them

    start_remainder_run:         // now draw remaining pixels ( <= 7 pixels )
        mov ecx, remainder       // ecx = counter of remaining pixels

        mov bl, [esi]            // load pixel
        inc esi
        test bl, bl              // if zero, skip to next pixel
        jz end_pixel
        mov [edi], bl            // else, draw pixel
        inc edi
        dec ecx
        jnz draw_pixel           // loop while there's still pixels left

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move src and dest to start of next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec edx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


As you may have been able to imagine before even seeing this code, these are very much implemented in the same general way as the non-transparent blits are. Instead of rep movsd and we have unrolled loops that must check each and every pixel for transparent pixels before drawing. Same for rep movsb, except the loops that replace these aren't unrolled.

After initially writing these assembly sprite blit routines, I started to look for ways that I might make the unrolled loop section faster. I began by trying to reduce the number of memory reads by reading 16-bits instead of 8-bits at a time. Then I would only need to read pixels every other time and could access two pixels by using bl and bh.

    mov bx, [esi+0]          ; load two pixels at once
    test bl, bl
    jz draw_px_1             ; if this pixel is color 0, skip it
    mov [edi+0], bl          ; otherwise, draw it onto dest
    test bh, bh              ; don't need to read, second pixel is already in bh
    jz draw_px_2
    mov [edi+1], bh

On my 486 this resulted in barely any noticeable difference. Maybe 1 FPS of an improvement for the slow scenario. I don't have a 386 to test with, but from looking at some instruction timing information, I'm guessing this should be an improvement on a 386 processor. mov reg, mem takes 4 clock cycles on a 386, versus 1 clock cycle on a 486, so by removing some of these operations we should save some time anyway.

The other thing I was curious about was using bswap. This instruction was added starting with 486 processors, so if I wanted to support 386's I couldn't use it anyway, but even still, I just wanted to try it. What bswap does is reverse the byte order of a 32-bit register. This can be used as a means to access the upper 16-bits of a 32-bit register, which you otherwise wouldn't be able to do independently since x86 architecture doesn't provide you with any 8/16 bit registers for the upper half. With this in mind I figured I would be able to do something like:

    mov ebx, [esi+0]         ; load 4 src pixels
    test bl, bl
    jz draw_px_1             ; if it is color 0, skip it
    mov [edi+0], bl          ; otherwise, draw it onto dest
    test bh, bh              ; don't need to read, second pixel is already in bh
    jz draw_px_2
    mov [edi+1], bh
    bswap ebx                ; swap bytes. bh now has this pixel, bl is the next
    test bh, bh
    jz draw_px_3
    mov [edi+2], bh
    test bl, bl
    jz draw_px_4
    mov [edi+3], bl

However to my surprise, this made no noticeable difference again. Anyway, doesn't really matter much since I could not use this on a 386. Using shr as an alternative method to access the upper 16 bits is no good. It's too expensive to use for something like this. shr reg, imm is 2 clock cycles on a 486 and 3 clock cycles on a 386, whereas bswap runs in only 1 cycle.

There might be some other improvements that can be made here, but nothing came to mind so I figured I'd move on.

Looking back at my draw_map() function, I figured why not call the direct_blit_xxxx and direct_blit_sprite_xxxx assembly functions directly? We can't do that for the tiles around the edges of the screen that need to be clipped, but we should absolutely be able to do this for the inner 90% of the tiles that are drawn. As an added benefit, since we're using 16x16 tiles, we know that we can always just call direct_blit_4 and direct_blit_sprite_8. All we need to do is manage all the source and destination memory parameters ourselves directly instead of x and y coordinates.

Probably won't be a large boost, but we'll see.

// now actually draw the map
index = (y_tile * map->width) + x_tile;
tiledata = &map->tiledata[index * 2];
tileset = map_tiles->tiles;

yp = -y_offs;
xp = -x_offs;

pdest = surface_pointer(backbuffer, xp, yp);

for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_Y_TILES; ++y) {
    for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_X_TILES; ++x) {
        tile1 = tiledata[0];
        tile2 = tiledata[1];

        if (x > 0 &&
            y > 0 &&
            x < (SCREEN_X_TILES - 1) &&
            y < (SCREEN_Y_TILES - 2)) {
            direct_blit_4(TILE_WIDTH / 4,
                          320 - TILE_WIDTH,
            if (tile2)
                direct_blit_sprite_8(TILE_WIDTH / 8,
                                     320 - TILE_WIDTH,
        } else {
            surface_blit(tileset[tile1], backbuffer, xp, yp);
            if (tile2)
                surface_blit_sprite(tileset[tile2], backbuffer, xp, yp);

        tiledata += 2;
        xp += TILE_WIDTH;
        pdest += TILE_WIDTH;

    tiledata += (map->width - SCREEN_X_TILES) * 2;
    yp += TILE_HEIGHT;
    pdest += (TILE_HEIGHT * 320) - (SCREEN_X_TILES * TILE_WIDTH);
    xp = -x_offs;

(Obviously no need to worry about the multiplications and divisions you now see in the above code. They're all based entirely on constants, except for one * 2 which will become a shl anyway by the optimizer.)

At this point, the draw_map() function implementation is starting to look kind of messy to me. However, the improvement this brings is small but noticeable. Up to 159/160 FPS in the fast scenario and 105 FPS in the slow scenario.

The last thing I wanted to look at was if we could help mitigate the performance drop that occurs when the screen is scrolled to some position that results in us drawing all of the visible map tiles at unaligned memory addresses. In 32-bit protected mode (as I am using), we want to be aligned to a 4-byte boundary. So that means that, right now, beginning a blit at three out of every four x coordinate values across the entire width of the screen will make the blit unaligned.

How big a deal is this? Well, if I adjust the x coordinate of each of our two scenarios by one pixel (in either direction), we end up getting 135 FPS in the fast scenario and 94 FPS in the slow scenario. So, it's a big enough deal that we should at least see if we can do something to lessen the blow. This is a pixel-by-pixel scrolling engine after all, so these unaligned offsets will occur frequently.

I was not really too optimistic that I would be able to improve things with my current knowledge/experience. Admittedly, I've never really written code that tries to deal with memory alignment. As I understand it, the main slowdown is on the writes and, indeed, this is where the source of unaligned memory accesses will be for us.

We need not worry about our source tile graphics in this case, as the tiles in a typical tileset (including the one we're using here) will all be some even number like 16x16 or 32x32 and will either have each tile in their own allocated block of memory, or all tiles will be arranged in a grid on some larger allocated block of memory (but in this case, accessing an arbitrary tile in such a grid will result in some 4-byte aligned address anyway). For memory allocations, malloc() is likely ensuring that the allocation is aligned, so no worries there. It's important to note that libDGL's blit routines allow using an arbitrary region as the blit source, and this region could be located at an unaligned address. I suspect that this wouldn't be a common use case, so I chose to ignore it.

So after thinking about it a bit I figured that I would start with trying to optimize surface_blit_region_f first and ignore sprite/transparent blits for now (unsure what I can really do there to be honest).

I decided that I would try calculating the number of bytes at the start of each line in the blit that are before the next 4-byte boundary. Then I could do a rep movsb up to this next boundary. Following this, I could proceed with the remainder of the line like normal (that is, with a single rep movsd or a combo of rep movsd and rep movsb as appropriate based on our existing method).

However, I suspected this would be slower then just not dealing with memory alignment at all. rep movsb takes 12+3n clock cycles on a 486, and we're talking about adding an extra one in some cases. But anyway, I went ahead with it just to see. Here are the modifications I made to surface_blit_region_f:

// ...

psrc = (const byte*)surface_pointer(src, src_x, src_y);
pdest = (byte*)surface_pointer(dest, dest_x, dest_y);
lines = src_height;
bytes_from_boundary = (4 - ((unsigned int)pdest & 3)) & 3;

if (bytes_from_boundary && src_width > 3) {
    aligned_width = src_width - bytes_from_boundary;

    width_4 = aligned_width / 4;
    width_remainder = aligned_width & 3;

    if (width_4 && !width_remainder) {
        // aligned_width is a multiple of 4 (no remainder)
        direct_blit_u4(bytes_from_boundary, width_4, lines, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

    } else if (width_4 && width_remainder) {
        // aligned_width is >= 4 and there is a remainder ( <= 3 )
        direct_blit_u4r(bytes_from_boundary, width_4, lines, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc, width_remainder);

    } else {
        // aligned_width is <= 3, just take the lazy way out and ignore the fact that
        // this is unaligned
        direct_blit_r(bytes_from_boundary + width_remainder, lines, pdest, psrc, dest_y_inc, src_y_inc);

} else {
    // ...
    // previous code to handle the 3 blit scenarios
    // ...

// ...

Two new functions were added, direct_blit_4u and direct_blit_u4r:

void direct_blit_u4(int unaligned_width,
                    int width4,
                    int lines,
                    byte *dest,
                    const byte *src,
                    int dest_y_inc,
                    int src_y_inc) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ecx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, src             // source pixels

        // eax = unaligned width
        // edx = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // ebx = line loop counter

        test ebx, ebx            // make sure there is >0 lines to draw
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // draw initial unaligned pixels ( <= 3 )
        rep movsb
        mov ecx, edx             // draw all 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        rep movsd

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move to next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec ebx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


void direct_blit_u4r(int unaligned_width,
                     int width4,
                     int lines,
                     byte *dest,
                     const byte *src,
                     int dest_y_inc,
                     int src_y_inc,
                     int remainder) {
    _asm {
        mov edi, ecx             // dest pixels
        mov esi, src             // source pixels

        // eax = unaligned width
        // edx = number of 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        // ebx = line loop counter

        test ebx, ebx            // make sure there is >0 lines to draw
        jz done

        mov ecx, eax             // draw initial unaligned pixels ( <= 3 )
        rep movsb
        mov ecx, edx             // draw all 4-pixel runs (dwords)
        rep movsd
        mov ecx, remainder       // draw remaining pixels ( <= 3 bytes )
        rep movsb

        add esi, src_y_inc       // move to next line
        add edi, dest_y_inc
        dec ebx                  // decrease line loop counter
        jnz draw_line            // keep going if there's more lines to draw


In order to test this out in the draw_map() function, I decided that for now it would be simpler to revert back to just calling the normal surface_blit_xxxx functions. That way I don't need to clutter up that code even more then it already is with calculations to determine what direct_blit_xxxx function needs to be called based on the x coordinate. It'll run a little bit slower this way, but it doesn't matter, I just want to see if it's faster or not.

And as expected, it ended up being slower! By about 20 FPS in the fast scenario and 10/11 FPS in the slow scenario. I would guess that this would get better if I was doing larger blits, but probably with the tile size I am using the cost of an extra rep movsb is just not worth it.

Ultimately what I learned most from this experience is that I need to do more reading up on the subject, heh. I would not be surprised at all if I was missing something obvious here.

On the whole, this entire optimization exercise was useful and even though trying to address memory alignment didn't produce any results, I was able to improve overall performance. It would be interesting to compare results on a 386 at some point too, but that will have to wait.